Av. Luzuriaga #574 - 2do Piso- Huaraz - Ancash - Perú
+51 (043) 628282 / 943 512603 / 983 088706
Cedros Alpamayo – Ulta Trek

Duration: 10 Days / 09 Nights.

Located to the north site of Cordillera Blanca, where you will enjoy about impressive azure, green turquois glacier lakes, which are lies at foot of huge snowcapped peaks as, Alpamayo mount, Quitaraju mount, Santa Cruz mount, Pucajirca group, Artezonraju mount, Caraz mount, Chararaju mount, Taulliraju mount, and impressive mount Huascaran, the most of passes are between 4500 m – 4850 m with spectacular panorama views. As well as you will have option to see the major part of Cordillera Blanca, on the way to descent you will enjoy dense Andean vegetation, and picturesque mountain settlements.


Day 1: Huaraz at (3100m) – Hualcayan village at (3139m) – Wishcash camp at (4400m). (Trek time: 4 hours (ascend) / driving up time: 3 hours).
Departure from Huaraz at 8:00 am. we will drive to the north side along Callejon de Huaylas on paved road until Caraz at 2200 m, then we will deviate to the north – east on dirt road until Hualcayan village at 3139m. From Hualcayan we will start walking up on many switchbacks, on steep hill, enjoying amazing view to the west about cordillera Negra and Hualcayan village, after 5 hours walking up we will get our first camp site at wishcash at 4400 m, from this camping spot we will enjoying the gorgeous sunset. Overnight camp at Wishcash.

Day 2: Wishcash at (4400m) – Osoruri pass at (4860m) – Osoruri camp at (4600). (Trek time: 5 hours (ascend & descend).
After our breakfast we will start walking up toward pristine Cullicocha Lake, when we just get Cullicocha we will enjoy the azure glacier lake with impressive Santa Cruz mount to the background, continue walking up we will get to higher point of the trek at Osoruri pass at 4860 m, after that we will descent until camp site. Overnight camp at Osoruri.

Day 3: Osoruri camp at (4600) – Vientunan pass at (4770m) – Jancarurish camp at (4250m). (Trek time: 5 hours (ascend & descend).
This beautiful day we will start walking up toward Vientunan pass at (4770m), then we will descend on switchbacks trail, enjoying on the way the amazing pre Inca archaeological site of Auquispuquio on the north hill, the most of that part was agricultural area, as soon as we reach Jancarurish valley we will see the spectacular pyramidal shape of mount Alpamayo, which is also see from the camp site. Overnight camp at Jancarurish.

Day 4: Jancarurish camp at (4250m) – Cara Cara pass at (4830m) – Mesapata pass at (4460m) - Huillca camp at (4000m). (Trek time: 6 hours (ascend & descend).
After our breakfast we will start walking up toward Cara Cara pass at 4830 m, where we will be on continental divide, and also we will cross the cordillera Blanca from west to east, then we will descend on Conchucos valley until reach to second pass of Mesapata at 4460 m, where we will have lunch enjoying the mountain view as: Pucajirca group at 6050m, Tayapampa mount at 5657m, and north – west face of Alpamayo mount, then we will continue walking until our camp site at Huilca. Overnight camp at Huillca.

Day 5: Huillca camp at (4000m) – Yanacon pass at (4610m) – Jancapampa camp at (3600m). (Trek time: 6 hours (ascend & descend).
After our breakfast we will pick up our trek gears, after that we will start walking up toward Yanacon pass at 4610 m, where we will see mount Pucajirca at 6050 m, Sactaycocha Lake where we will have lunch, after that we will continue walking down until our camp site at Jancapampa. Overnight camp at Jancapampa.

Day 6: Jancapampa camp at (3600m) – Tupa Tupa pass at (4360m) – Huecrococha camp at (3900m). (Trek time: 6 hours (ascend & descend).
This day we will see beautiful sunrise on the north – east face of Taulliraju mount at 5830 m, then we will have breakfast, after that we will start walking up toward Tupa Tupa pass at 4360 m, on the pass we will enjoy taking pictures about mount Taulliraju and Ancash jungle, and finally we will descend until our camp site at Huecrococha. Overnight camp at Huecrococha.

Day 7: Huecrococha camp at (3900m) – Pucaraju pass at (4640m) – Tuctu camp at (4200m). (Trek time: 6 hours (ascend & descend).
After our breakfast we will start walking up toward Pucaraju pass at 4640 m, where we will enjoy beautiful snowcapped peaks as: Taulliraju at 5830 m, Pucajirca group at 6050 m, Artezonraju at 6025 m, Chacraraju at 6112m, Yanapaccha at 5460 m, Chopicalqui at 6354 m, and mount Huascaran at 6768 m, finally we will walk down until Tuctu camp site at 4200 m. Overnight camp at Tuctu.

Day 8: Tuctu camp at (4200m) – Molinopampa camp at (3460m). (Trek time: 6 hours (ascend & descend).
After our breakfast we will start walking down along the Huaripampa valley, passing on the way by Huaripampa and Colcabamba village, after that we will walk up on footpath until our camp site at Molinopampa. Overnight camp at Molinopampa.

Day 9: Molinopampa camp at (3460m) – Avalancha camp at (4530m). (Trek time: 4 hours (ascend & descend).
After our breakfast as usually we start walking up along Queshu valley until reach avalanche camping spot, where we will enjoy amazing Mountain View. Last night camp at Avalanche.

Day 10: Avalancha camp at (3460m) – Yanayacu pass at (4850m). (Trek time: 4 hours (ascend & descend) T driving time: 3 hours).
After our breakfast we start walking up our last day trek toward Yanayacu pass at 4850 m, where we will have splendid view on clear day about mount Ulta at 5875m, Chopicalqui mount at 6354 m, mount Huascaran 6768 m, aftert that we walk down along Ulta valley until finf the road, where our private transport is waiting us to bring Huaraz.


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Av. Luzuriaga #574 - 2do Piso- Huaraz - Ancash - Perú
+51 (043) 628282
+51 9435 12603 / 983 088706

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