Av. Luzuriaga #574 - 2do Piso- Huaraz - Ancash - Perú
+51 (043) 628282 / 943 512603 / 983 088706
Quilcayhuanca – Cojup Trek

Duration: 03 Days / 02 Nights

Its located to the east site of Huaraz on Quillcayhuanca & cojup valley, where is perfect place to enjoy the nature and to see wild animal in their habitats, lovely mountain view such as: mount san Juan, mount Tullparaju, mount Chinchey, mount Maparaju, mount Andavite, mount Ranrapalca, mount Palcaraju, mount Pucaranra and beautiful glacier lakes. In this trip we dong use donkey and donkey driver service because is challenge and abrupt.


Day 1: Huaraz at (3100m) – Quillcayhuanca gate at (3850m) – Cuchillacocha Lake Camp at (4600m) (Trek time: 6 hours (ascend) / driving up time: 1 hour).
Departure from Huaraz at 7.00 am. to the east side on dirt road until Quillcayhuanca gate, From this place we will start walking up, along Quillcayhuanca valley, as soon as we approach at Tullpacocha lake we will enjoy terrific mountain view about snowcapped peaks and lakes , after 6 hours walking up we will reach our good camping spot at 4600 m. Overnight camp at Cuchillacocha Lake.

Day 2: Cuchillacocha Lake Camp at (4600m) – Huapy pass at (5000m) – Palcacocha Lake camp at (4560m) (Trek time: 6 hours (ascend & descend).
After our hearty breakfast we will start walking up toward Huapy pass at 5000 m. where we will enjoy stunning view about a dozen peaks around us such as: mount Ranrapalka at 6162 m, mount Tullparaju at 5780 m, mount Palcaraju at 6110, majestic mount Huantzan at 6395 m, after that we will descend until our camp site at Palcacocha Lake 4560 m. Last day camp at Palcacocha Lake.

Day 3: Palcacocha Lake at (4560m) – Cojup gate at (3850m) – Huaraz (Trek time: 4 hours (descend) / driving time: 1 hour).
After our breakfast we will walk down along Cojup valley, after 4 hours walking down we will get until Cojup gate, where our private transport is waiting us to drive Huaraz.


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Av. Luzuriaga #574 - 2do Piso- Huaraz - Ancash - Perú
+51 (043) 628282
+51 9435 12603 / 983 088706

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